In this edition of the Sports Break, we cover the top events in sports history along with the players and athletes that were a part of them on November 21. As a bonus, we place the jersey number worn at the time with the athlete as well.
21 November in Sports History
Sports history is made every day of the year. We will preserve at least a small sampling from some great athletes every day based on the uniform number they wore.
77 - 9 - 5 - 49 - 36 - 27 - 14 - 33
November 21, 1902 - Baseball's Philadelphia Athletics & Phillies form pro football teams, joining Pitts Stars in 1st attempt at a National Football League. Learn more on the the original attempt of the NFL.
November 21, 1925 - Red Grange, Number 77 played his final collegiate game at the University of Illinois game. The Wheaton Iceman signed with Chicago Bears just a day later in a move that may have saved the NFL. Learn more on the Galloping Ghost here.
November 21, 1934 - New York Yankees bought the rights to Joe DiMaggio from SF Seals (Pacific Coast League). DiMaggio wore Number 9 in his first season with the Yanks before donning the Number 5 that he made so famous.
November 21, 1952 - Dodgers pitcher Number 49, Joe Black won the National League Rookie of Year
November 21, 1956 - Don Newcombe, Number 36 of the Brooklyn Dodgers won the National League MVP as well as the 1st-ever Cy Young Award
November 21, 1972 - Red Sox, Number 27, Carlton Fisk won the American League Rookie of Year, Mets Jon Matlack wins National League Rookie honor
November 21, 1973 - Pete Rose, Number 14 of the Cincinnati Reds won the National League MVP
November 21, 1977 - Orioles 1st baseman Number 33, Eddie Murray won the American League Rookie of Year
November 21, 1978 - Bob Horner, Number 5 of Braves won the National League Rookie of Year Award
A Very Special thanks to information obtained from the following brilliant internet sites: On This Day Sports, the Sports Reference's family of website databases &
Banner photo is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons of the Poster for the American film One Minute to Play (1926). Film Booking Offices of America arranged by C.C. Pyle.