In this edition of the Sports Break, we cover the top events in sports history along with the players and athletes that were a part of them on August 22. As a bonus, we place the jersey number worn at the time with the athlete.
22 August in Sports History
Sports history is made every day of the year. We will preserve at least a small sampling from some great athletes every day based on the uniform number they wore.
3 - 12 - 20 - 14 - 16 - 34 - 24
August 22, 1917 - Pittsburgh Pirates played in a 4th straight extra inning game. During this contest left fielder Carson Bigbee sets MLB record of 11 at-bats in 22 inning, 6-5 loss to Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, Carson Bigbee, circa 1925, see credits below
August 22, 1927 - New York Yankees slugger Number 3, Babe Ruth hits 40th home run during his MLB record 60 HR season in New York's 9-4 loss to Cleveland Indians at Dunn Field
August 22, 1934 - Boston Red Sox pitcher Wes Ferrell, wearing Number 12 hits 2 home runs to beat White Sox 3-2 in 12
August 22, 1959 - Cincinnati Reds future Baseball Hall of Fame outfielder Number 20, Frank Robinson had 3 consecutive home runs (for a total of 6 RBIs) in 11-4 win over St. Louis Cardinals at Crosley Field
August 22, 1960 - Gil Hodges, Number 14 of the LA Dodgers set a National League right handed home run record with his 352nd blast out of the yard
August 22, 1984 - New York Mets pitcher Dwight Gooden, in his Number 16 uniform became the 11th rookie to strikeout 200 batters in a season
August 22, 1989 - Nolan Ryan, Number 34 of theTexas Rangers, struck out a tough batter in Oakland A's Number 24, Rickey Henderson to earn his 5,000th career batter that was sat down on strikes.
A Very Special thanks to information obtained from the following brilliant internet sites: On This Day Sports, the Sports Reference's family of website databases &
Banner photo is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons of a cropped version of Bigbee, Pittsburgh from the National Photo Company Collection.