Aspiring Sports journalist Vinny Lospinuso visits the Pigpen to tell us all about one the greatest contributors baseball has ever known. Doc Adams
Baseball Innovator
Doc Adams
Photo is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons of Daniel "Doc" Adams circa 1870.
Our guest in the podcast above, Vinny Lospinuso is very passionate about his sports history. Vinny as well as other around the world are shouting to the tree tops that one man above all others deserves a spot in Cooperstown at the Baseball Hall of Fame. They claim that without Doc Adams the game may not exist in its current form.
Doc Adams participated in the game as a player and executive who is regarded by historians as an important figure in the sport's early years. For most of his career he was a member of the New York Knickerbockers.
Photo is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons of Members of New York Knickerbockers Baseball team, 1859. Daniel Lucius "Doc" Adams is standing fourth from the left. from Charles H. Williamson.
His contributions to the game of baseball are unequalled:
- He wore the first uniform of any team on the diamond.
- He determined the team with the highest score after nine innings was the winner
- He decided nine players to a side
- Created the Shortstop position
- Later Moved the SS to the infield
- Created the first seamed baseball
And so much more dditions and revisions to organize the game.
Photo is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons of a photo purported to be The New York Knickerbockers Base Ball Club, circa 1847:Top, left to right: Alfred Cartwright, Alexander Cartwright and, William Wheaton. Bottom, left to right: Duncan Curry, Daniel "Doc" Adams, Henry Tiebout Anthony. By an Unknown author.
Let's get this guy into the Baseball HOF! Check out Doc Adams Baseball for more information!
The banner photo is of Jim Thorpe with the New York Giants of the National League of Baseball, at the Polo Grounds ready to bat in 1913. Courtesy Wikimedia Commons and taken by the Bain News Service.
A Very Special thanks to information obtained from the following brilliant internet sites: On This Day Sports, the Sports Reference's family of website databases &