He was at his finest with his glove, committing almost no errors and having the speed to run down most anything. Wells is also known as being the first player to use a batting helmet in baseball, after being hit and receiving a concussion while playing with the Newark Eagles. Interestingly enough, that first helmet was a construction helmet.
Here are the teams that Wells played with:
St. Louis Giants (1924)
St. Louis Stars (1924–1931)
Detroit Wolves (1932)
Homestead Grays (1932, 1937)
Kansas City Monarchs (1932)
Chicago American Giants (1929, 1933–1935)
Newark Eagles (1936–1939, 1942, 1945)
Birmingham Black Barons (1941)
New York Black Yankees (1945–46)
Baltimore Elite Giants (1946)
Indianapolis Clowns (1947)
Memphis Red Sox (1948)